A story of Dr Pretty Makube

“The day I decided to study medicine and took a look at the university admission requirements against my grade 11 results, I knew I had to unleash another level of my academic potential” says Dr. Pretty Makube with a qualification, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degree. Makube graduated from Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, previously know as Medical University of South Africa(MEDUNSA). She completed the course in 6 years record time. Makube stumbled upon the medical course in her grade 11 Life Orientation text book where she began to take and built interest on the career. She began to further her interests by pursuing a research on how she can become a medical doctor. Through the research she found out that, her biggest drive wasn’t helping and healing people but the security that came with being medical doctor. Coming from humble beginnings, Makube was left in the care of her grandmother after her mother passed at just 9 years old. She recalls her grandmother as very strict but yet supportive, she wanted what was best for her.

Fortunately for Makube had always wanted more for herself too, she drawn inspiration from previous products of Mokebe Secondary who were doing exceptionally well for themselves, her inspiration focused on people related to her then background. While her inspiration, hard work and drive landed her in medical school, her biggest challenge was her lack of eloquence in English. Although she passed the English subject in flying colours she still struggled to express herself well in the language compared to her peers from Model Cs Schools “English in Senotlelo is taught in Sepedi,” she says jokingly. It took her a while to adjust to her new medium of communication and learning and she emphasizes that surrounding yourself with people that understand your situation and shortfalls helped her a lot.

She advises that being a doctor is doable but it comes with sacrifices, she had to cut down on leisure time. She says that six years is a very long time and your classmates from high school will graduate and settle into their careers before you do. She adds that you might begin to feel that your degree is taking a long time. She mentions that her transition into the workplace was mentally daunting especially after completing a six year degree. “Before I scare you, Medicine is a rewarding career and if you want to join us, go for it,” she says. Her biggest reward is gratitude from her patients. She mentions that patients are very observant about how you treat them as human beings rather than helping them medically. She says a mere thank goes a long way for her and hearing the words “Thank You Doctor” warms up her heart She quotes Mr Maredi, her former English and Sepedi teacher from Mokebe Secondary, “ There is life beyond the horizons of Senotlelo,” she concludes.

  1. Mmathapelo Thoka
  2. july 28, 2022